How is it already August? I feel like this summer has truly just flown by. However, August is going to be a month full of travel for me – so I am super excited! Today I wanted to do a little life lately post. I want to share with you all what I’ve been up to, what I’m looking forward to, etc.
I feel like I’ve been so quiet on Instagram – which makes me so sad – but in all honesty, I’ve been so busy with work and the house, I truly don’t have many “pretty” things to share. However, I will be sure to share our travels later this month!
But until then, enjoy this post!
Our Home
I know I’ve shared quite a bit of home content on here, and as we do more I’ll definitely share! I do share quite a bit on my Instagram stories, so if you’re interested in our new home, I’d suggest following along on there. Our recent additions since my last formal post focusing on the house include our new rug for the living room, our couch finally getting delivered, refinishing a china cabinet, and we painted the guest room. We also had someone come out to give us pricing for custom closets. We also had guests this past weekend – so it was fun to show the home to people who haven’t seen it in person yet!
Overall, I’m pretty satisfied with the progress we’ve made. However, there are some things I am hoping get done sooner rather than later. We’re currently on a buying/project pause until September as we’ll be traveling this month. It’s nice to not have to worry about anything with the house for the next few weeks. It’ll give us some time to think about things and then get back into it in September!
Work has been incredibly busy recently! The sales period for The Scout Guide is definitely the most stressful for me. I’m basically still in sales for the next few months on top of starting photoshoots. I’ll be done with this volume for the most part in November. January we’ll go to the graphic design team, and for me that isn’t nearly as stressful as sales.
We also recently had an event, a Cover Color Party, to help vote on next year’s cover color as it changes with each volume. I love having events, however it can be stressful to plan and get everything together. But at the end of the day, it was totally worth it and it was a ton of fun! I’m now getting requests for a holiday party, so we’ll see about that haha.
Looking Ahead
This month, August, is the time I’ve been looking forward to all year! We’re taking our big family vacation to Hawaii and I couldn’t be more excited. Even more exciting, Grant and I are heading to Disneyland for a few days before taking the final leg out to Hawaii. I love two-part vacations since it feels like vacay should be over, then you head to the next thing! I’m excited to experience a new place with the entire family.
I am looking forward to fall as well – who isn’t? I’ve learned to appreciate all the seasons in their own right. However, summer has been so busy, so I’m looking forward to the weather changing and a new season of the year beginning. I’m excited to decorate our new home for the holidays this year. Plus, Grant and I have a fun trip planned for after Thanksgiving – so I’ll be looking forward to that as well.
I hope you all enjoyed this little life update post. I feel like it gives me a good way to connect with you all and keep you updated on my life during this busy season. I hope to connect with you all more soon!
Thanks for reading!
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