Hey y’all! Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend starts in just 8 DAYS! I cannot believe how fast this month has flown by, and one of my favorite weeks of the year is almost here. Today I wanted to share with y’all 5 things you need to do before Princess Weekend 2019. With all of the craziness next week is going to bring, whether you’re coming on a plane or in your car, you don’t want to forget the important stuff. So let’s jump right into it!
1. Print Your Race Waiver
I know, I put this in my last blog post about what to expect from Princess Weekend. But I really don’t want you to forget! Last thing you want to do is have to stand in line to print it at the expo. If you are flying to Orlando for the Princess I highly recommend putting your race waiver as well as all of your running gear in a CARRY-ON. My first Princess Weekend in 2016 my Mom’s luggage didn’t make it to Orlando – Southwest lost it. What if that was my luggage with all of my running gear; shoes, outfit, waivers, etc? Yeah, you can reprint the waiver, but do you want to buy a new pair of running shoes just days before you run a long distance? No. Click HERE to print your waiver!
2. Sign Up For Runner Tracking
This is great for not only you, but friends and family members who will be there supporting you. Or even friends and family back home who want to support you, but didn’t want to wake up at 3AM (can you blame them?). Runner tracking will send alerts via text and/or email updating when you start the race, cross certain mile markers, and finally cross the finish line. Your spectators will more easily be able to track where you are and more efficiently be able to meet you at the finish line. To sign up you can go to this link HERE, or text PHM to 389-09 and reply back with the runner’s bib number which you can find on the bottom right corner of the race waiver. You will receive your bib at the expo, so if you cannot find your bib number now you can sign up after you receive it.
3. Check Out Spectator Information
RunDisney’s Official Digital Event Guide is the best place to find answers to your questions. Grant and I also answered some of your questions in our latest YouTube Video about spectators that you can watch HERE. But the Event Guide has info about transportation for spectators, where to park, and other helpful tips that you can see HERE. If you want to know what time spectators should arrive and how they can get into Magic Kingdom on Sunday, check out our video.
4. Have A Game Plan
I highly recommend looking at the Event Guide to help you get a game plan. Plan what day/time you want to go to the expo, what time you want to be asleep by, what time you want to be leaving the hotel room, etc. My previous RunDisney blog as well as our latest YouTube video may be helpful in planning your time as well. I gave some insight about the expo and what to expect from the weekend and different events. I also discussed what you can expect from crowds, and how early you should show up to events. The Event Guide has a section regarding bus transportation times for both the expo and races that are super helpful. They also have the maps of the courses if you need that as well.
5. Take It Easy, Make Smart Choices, HAVE FUN
It can be hard to “take it easy” at Disney. But I promise it’ll benefit you in the long run. Depending on when you’re arriving for the race you may have time to do it all. We always stay on property for Princess Weekend from Wed-Mon. This gives us a good balance of work and play. God bless all of the people who check out BEFORE the Half Marathon on Sunday and go to the airport right after. I don’t know how they do it. Make sure to head to bed early the night before any race. After all, you will be waking up around 2:30AM. I also do not recommend running/working out the week of the race. I AM NOT A DOCTOR OR A PROFESSIONAL, but this is what I’ve done in the past and it’s helped me a lot. You need your body to rest since you are about to complete a task the vast majority of people have never done, and something bodies are trained to do, not naturally designed to do. Plus you don’t want to risk injury at the last minute. Also, it is important to take your diet into account before a race. I never eat fried food for at least a week before the race (normally the whole month of February). It is also important to carb load with foods like bread, rice, and pasta to give yourself energy. A lot of people tend not to eat in the morning before the races, but I always do otherwise I honestly wouldn’t make it. If you eat around 3-3:30 AM you’ll have at least 2 hours for your stomach to settle before running. Again, I’m not a doctor or professional, I am just sharing what’s worked for me in the past. Finally, HAVE FUN! This is what this whole weekend is all about. Celebrate, have fun, and make memories.
There you have it! Thank you guys so much for reading this post, I hope it was helpful to some of you. I am so excited for next weekend, and hope y’all have safe travels if you’re coming down. Leave a comment down below and let me know if you’re gonna be there and what race you’re running!
Thanks for reading!
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