I know this isn’t my first post of this new year, but I definitely wanted to share this with you guys.
As always, the new year is a chance to reflect and start anew. And with the past two years we have had, I think we could all use a clean slate. And while not all can be wiped away physically, mentally, or emotionally – we can at least try to metaphorically. And considering my birthday is in the month of January, I find it makes even more sense for me to set goals for myself this particular month.
I hope you all enjoy reading about my goals and resolutions for 2022, and I hope it inspires you a bit.
1. Make More Business Moves – While last year probably wasn’t my most active year on my blog, I definitely hit some great milestones behind the scenes. This year I want to not only make better/more business moves with my blog, but with my career as a whole. I have some things in the works, though I don’t know what the results will be. Regardless, I want to make it a priority this year!
2. Travel Some Place(s) New – Last year we were supposed to go to Italy/Greece on a cruise for our honeymoon… Obviously that didn’t happen. We rebooked it for this coming summer, but things are looking bleak unfortunately. However, we have booked a trip to Nantucket! I went as a baby/toddler but don’t remember anything, and Grant has never been. Needless to say we are excited! We are also crossing our fingers that a trip to Hawaii gets into the books… We’ll see!
3. Spend Less Time On My Phone – I’m sure this is something a lot of us want to (or should) work on in today’s day and age. It is difficult for me since a lot of my blogging career is social media. However, I need to be better at setting boundaries! The past two years I have gotten better at reading and other phone-free activities, and I hope that is something I will continue to work on this year as well.
4. Exercise Better – I have always had a passion for fitness, but ever since moving to Orlando a few years ago, my exercise routine has been anything but consistent. While I have stuck with working out ~5 days a week, it has been hard for me to find workouts that work for me. I think part of it has to do with changes of scenery (gyms, cities, elevation, etc). But I think it also has to do with the “second puberty” ladies tend to have in their twenties – my hormones aren’t normal, my metabolism has changed, etc. But, I am excited to report I have a Peloton on the way and I have a doctors appointment set for early February. We had Pelotons at our apartment complex in Orlando and I have missed riding the past year and a half. It was such a great workout that made me feel great. I am excited to restructure my fitness routine.
5. Buy A Home – Buying a home is not an easy task (especially in the current market), but we are hoping 2022 will be our year to finally buy a home! We have been making some major life changes to help make this happen (we are moving apartments next month, we are saving more money, etc). So we hope and pray come summer we can start looking and decide on what option is best for us (buying, building, etc).
6. Spend More Time With Friends – After moving from FL back to PA we realized that unfortunately many of the people who we were “friends” with in Florida, really weren’t our friends. And moving back to your home town after being five years out of high school means that mostly everyone has moved on. Plus, I didn’t really keep in touch with many people from school. And, making friends as an adult is SO HARD. Especially when you’re married but don’t have kids! I have a few close friends, but most of them live out of state/are in school out of state. This year I want to spend more time with the friends I do have, and hopefully make new friends in our area or reconnect with old ones!
7. Find A Better Balance For Life – This goal is one that I think will never truly be completely accomplished, and that is okay! But that doesn’t mean I can’t work to achieve it. Everyone has trouble finding balance in life. But I hope this year I can try to create an inner peace and allow myself to feel balanced and at ease.
I hope you all enjoyed this little post. 7 is my lucky number – so hopefully I can work on these 7 goals throughout this year! What are your goals and resolutions for the new year? Let me know down below!
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