If you’ve been following me and reading the blog for a while, it is probably no secret that the past year has been a bit chaotic (and I’m sure everyone can relate). But when you add graduating college, moving 1,000+ miles, planning two weddings, and getting married into the mix of that (amongst a slew of other life events) – it is even crazier! Long story short, life isn’t what you expect it to be – and that is okay. But sometimes we catch ourselves slipping when we don’t necessarily have to be.
I am all about mental health, self-care, etc. – but when it comes to me personally, I definitely have to draw a line with things because then I end up being lazy and entering a downward spiral. Over the past year, I haven’t been the best at creating those boundaries in my life and it has done more harm than good at the end of the day. It has caused me to feel unmotivated, useless, and depressed. Thankfully, I don’t feel like that now – which is awesome! The past four months especially have put me onto a roller coaster of emotions, and I’m finally in a place where I can see the bigger picture and I can try to accomplish my goals despite the imperfections of life.
This isn’t meant to be a “sappy” post or meant to make anyone feel bad for me. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
Post-wedding life was hard for me the first few months – not because of our relationship, but because suddenly I felt like I had nothing. I was done with college, I just celebrated one of the biggest days of my life, and suddenly the party was over. It wasn’t until a month or so after my wedding I found other women online talking about “post-wedding blues” and “post-wedding depression” – which I can definitely say is real! And adding “post-graduation depression” onto that, things weren’t pretty.
By August, I had slowly found ways to get a fresh start, a new perspective, and add more joy into my life. Some of these things included reading, spending more time at home, getting a part-time job doing something I enjoy, and running more. Thanks to all of those things and more, I am once again feeling myself – a refreshed version of myself – and I feel as if I can now accomplish what I’ve wanted to in the past year.
So what does that mean for me and you? The blog? The community I created and somewhat abandoned? My hope is that this is a new beginning. Not that I have changed in what I love or may post about, but I hope I can have a clearer vision and create more content that will leave you feeling inspired and joyful. With how much negativity and stress copied and pasted on social platforms, I prefer to not bring those topics onto my platforms – and that is how I intend to keep it. Let this be a space to read, have fun, and escape from the outside world.
So what can you expect from me? My goal is to bring back blog posts at least once a week – and hopefully build my way back up to the three times a week I kept up for a long time. In the short term, I will also be relaunching my YouTube channel, which I am so excited for. And as we approach fall you can expect more seasonal and hosting content, along with my normal topics like fashion and travel. Plus, my email subscribers can now expect a weekly newsletter filled with stories, fun finds, and more – so be sure to sign up for my email list below if you haven’t yet!
In the long term, you can expect a brand relaunch and a fresh look to my website, and I also have some bigger projects in the works (no promises, but hopefully a 30-day devotional and a podcast of sorts). But again, those will all take time to put together and get how I’d like. However, I do hope those projects will be finished sooner rather than later.
I am so excited to be on this journey with you. And I thank those who have been here for the long haul. Through changes in myself and you, through hiatuses, through joy and tears. I do what I do because you inspire me, and I only want to do the same in return for you.
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