Hey y’all! Welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to share a little review with y’all. For years I have been curious about professional teeth whitening and at home teeth whitening kits. Smile Brilliant approached me with the chance to try out their products, offer a discount to you guys, and even give one lucky winner their own teeth whitening kit! Needless to say I couldn’t pass up this opportunity. Stay tuned until the end for a discount code and giveaway link 🙂
Now, I do have a bit of prior experience with at home whitening. As a young teen I competed in beauty pageants so I used whitening strips a few times a month. However, past dental work (braces) left my teeth somewhat sensitive. Thankfully it’s not something I struggle with daily, but every so often it acts up and whitening strips definitely triggered it. I haven’t used whitening strips in years because of this.
My biggest fear going into this was that my teeth would be sensitive after. However, Smile Brilliant assured me that they’d do everything they could to prevent this, but that it is a normal “side effect” of whitening. I got set up with their desensitizing gel, whitening gel, and of course the custom tray kit.
I was super nervous to be under the pressure to make my own trays. However, the directions given were super helpful and it was easy overall! If you try it yourself, just be sure to read the directions thoroughly and follow them and you shouldn’t have a problem. I should also mention I have permanent hardware in my mouth (metal bars) and this was perfectly safe and easy to do by myself. After I got my molds done, I shipped them back with a prepaid label that was provided. I believe I received my custom trays about a week later.
Per recommendation of my contact at Smile Brilliant, I did the desensitizing gel before my first whitening treatment. The directions say to do it after, which I also did, but doing it before helps to prep them and may be beneficial if you have super sensitive teeth. I prepped my teeth as suggested in the booklet provided and I kept the desensitizing gel in for 15 minutes each time I used it.
It was time to whiten! Smile Brilliant allows you to keep whitening gel on for a little as 45 minutes and as long as 3 hours. Honestly, I again was SUPER scared that my teeth would be sensitive so I only did 30-45 minutes each time I used it. But, it still worked beautifully as you can see from my before and after pictures.
*Apologies in advance for these awkward photos lol. It’s super difficult to get a picture of just your teeth that isn’t unflattering. You can see every pore and peach fuzz lol. These pictures have not been edited in any way so y’all have an idea of how much whitening took place.*
Before Any Whitening
After One Whitening Session
After Second Whitening Session
You may notice the large white spot on my one tooth that seems SUPER bright after the whitening. This spot is from braces I had in the past. I was scared that the whitening over-whitened this spot, and it would stick out like a sore thumb. But I can assure you after a few hours it blended with everything else like normal.
I can honestly say my teeth DID NOT feel sensitive at any point during or after my treatments! This is a HUGE win for me, especially considering eating ice cream & drinking cold water can hurt at times. If you have sensitive teeth and have been looking for a good teeth whitening solution – this is for you! And not to mention, it really did whiten my teeth. I was pleasantly surprised with the results – especially after only 2 sessions. I can’t wait to use it more and watch my smile brighten!
There are a variety of package sizes you can buy from Smile Brilliant. Keep in mind each syringe provides about 3-4 applications (top & bottom), so you’re really getting a great bang for your buck! Teeth whitening at the dentist can be expensive, time consuming, and painful. Smile Brilliant offers a practical, affordable, and effective solution!
Starter kits that include 3 whitening syringes and your custom trays start at only $139. And after that, a set of 3 whitening syringes are only $35! They even offer 3 month payment plans for large packages that start at $57/month. This would make a great gift this holiday season. Since I just got engaged, Grant and I will be doing a lot of photoshoots in the coming months. Thanks to Smile Brilliant, I feel confident in my smile! And I’m sure Grant will be purchasing a set from them as well 😉
Thanks to Smile Brilliant for helping make this post possible! Make sure you head to their website to shop their whitening kits. And be sure to enter my giveaway to win your own in the link below. And if you’re interested in buying your own kit you can use code thenorthernprepster15 to get 15% off of your kit!
Thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: Smile Brilliant sponsored this post by providing free product. However, all opinions are my own. Giveaway prize provided by Smile Brilliant.
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