Hey y’all! Today I am going to be doing a post that’s a bit different for me. I’m going to share three ways that you can spice up your favorite waffle or pancake recipe! All of these are super easy and probably won’t require any special shopping trips! There is nothing better than waffles for breakfast during the fall, and who can resist breakfast for dinner??
Now I’m not going to provide a base recipe because first of all, I’m not a chef lol. Also, I’m a box mix gal because I’ve tried many recipes and honestly they never are as good lol. But I figure everyone has their own way to make waffles or pancakes and some people may have food allergies. Anyway, enough with my excuses… Let’s get into it!
Apples & Cinnamon
This is a “recipe” I’ve been making for a year or so now. It add great texture and makes you feel a tad less guilty about eating something so sugary since it has fruit in it lol. Plus, this is amazing for fall! The amount of ingredients obviously depends on how much apple you want and how much you’re making. But chop up the apple(s) in to tiny cubes (around 1/4 inch) and add to your mix. Then, just sprinkle in some cinnamon to taste! I always add a bit of vanilla to my pancake and waffles mixes as well.
P.S. Did you see the pumpkins on my waffles? This waffle maker is only $10! You can get one from Amazon (prime eligible), Bed Bath & Beyond, Crate & Barrel, and even Target.
Chocolate & Cream Cheese
Not gonna lie, I have a HUGE sweet tooth. Chocolate chip waffles and pancakes are my go-to when we’re talking “specialty breakfast.” Just add your favorite chocolate (make sure if it’s a bar it’s chopped up), and throw in about 1 tablespoon of cream cheese for every cup of batter. Mix it all up and you’re good to go! As I said before, I also add vanilla to my batter. And I honestly think the cream cheese would be delicious in the apple cinnamon recipe as well.
Banana & Cinnamon
I know a lot of people make “pancakes” with banana as the main batter ingredient. I’m personally not a fan of those, but I love adding some banana to my pancakes and waffles! I personally recommend a really ripe banana, like when you’re making banana bread. Basically the more brown spots, the better. Mash it up into your mix, and add some cinnamon & vanilla to taste. It legit tastes like banana bread y’all! I also think this would be great with cranberries, walnuts, or even chocolate chips added to it. Get creative!
I hope y’all enjoyed this little post! I know it’s a bit different, but I got this idea and decided to run with it. Let me know if you’d like to see more posts like this. Feel free to leave a comment with post recommendations or what you like to add to your pancakes and waffles! If you make any of these be sure to post it on your Instagram story and tag me, @TheNorthernPrepster.
Thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. Affiliate links are included and I may be compensated if items are purchased through those links.
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